Contact Us:

We welcome Members' input to this website and comments and enquiries from any viewer.
Contact the National Association of City and Town Sheriffs of England and Wales as below:
Honorary President
Andrew Gravells (Gloucester)

Andrew Swinburne (Berwick)

Secretary and website builder/administrator
Xena Dion (Poole)

Bob Rudd (Chester)

Treasurer Suzie Mercer (York)

Join Us:
Membership of the National Association of City and Town Sheriffs of England and Wales is open to those who are currently serving as Sheriff or who have held Office of Sheriff in the past within England and Wales.
Membership subscription is £10 annually. Payment details and how to submit the form are included in the Membership Form.
Data Protection With the Membership Form is a Data Protection (GDPR) consent form which you are asked to read and sign.
NACTSEW takes data collection and the protection of its Members and personal data seriously. A designated Data Protection Officer takes responsibility for overseeing this work.
For the past few years this has been and continues to be, Andy Swinburne (currently Chair of NACTSEW).
The NACTSEW Data Protection Policy and Statement can be accessed using the links below.
Please complete the Membership Form accessed via the link below. The payment and return details are on the bottom of the form.