
The Sheriff of Chester 2024-2025
Councillor Alex Tate
The Office of Sheriff of the city was first recorded in Chester in the 1120s, earlier than in any other English borough. In the 12th century the sheriff was appointed by the earl. The sheriffs of Chester assisted the Mayor in the running of the City Court (the Portmote), and presided over the Pentice and Passage Courts. They were responsible for maintaining law and order and accounted to the earl's chamberlains for the revenues of the city.
Chester was one of the cities in England important enough to have two sheriffs. One was normally chosen by the Mayor and the other high ranking citizens and the other was ostensibly chosen by the 'people' which is likely to have been the only voting populace - the Freemen. Over the next three centuries as in other towns and cities, the role evolved, waxed and waned in importance. There were many complaints recorded during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that the sheriffs were failing to hold their courts and in 1604 records show that the Assembly insisted that they restore them to full and regular use. Sheriffs then maintained their responsibilities for holding courts and assemblies, overseeing justice and sentencing and keeping the city gaol in order.
900 Years!
In 2021 Chester celebrated its 900th Anniversary of the Shrievalty. A colourful, celebratory booklet was written by Graeme J. White, Emeritus Professor of Local History, University of Chester, documenting the history and notable moments of the Sheriffs of Chester. The booklet can be viewed here:

The Sheriff's Chain
The Sheriff’s chain was presented by Alfred W Butt in memory of his father, Alderman Francis Butt, on the occasion of the opening of the Town Hall in 1869. The badge bears the arms known as the arms of the Sheriff, “a chevron between three garbs” and is surrounded by an earl’s coronet supported by a lion and a wolf.
Customs and Traditions
From 1835, Chester elected only one sheriff each year which continues to the present day. The Office of Sheriff is largely ceremonial but still holds the responsibility for moving the sealing of documents at Full Council meetings and the annual inspection of the City Plate (in 1640 it is recorded that the city's Sheriffs gave a 'piece of Plate value 13l 6s 8d to be run for' at, presumably, Chester race course which is believed to have been founded in 1539). The annual inspection of the City Plate has been performed since 1908 and still continues as a formal way of ensuring all the City's 'treasures' are accounted for.
The Sheriff jointly hosts in Chester Cathedral with the High Sheriff of Cheshire the annual Legal Service which marks the start of the legal year for the judges on the local circuit. The service is held each October and is attended by the Presiding High Court Judges, Circuit Judges, District Judges, Recorders and Assistants, Magistrates and representatives of the Legal profession and Local Authorities as well as many other community, public service and academic leaders.
Ancient traditions and customs are considered important in Chester and recently the Sheriff reintroduced a modern interpretation of an ancient tradition of the Sheriffs sharing a substantial breakfast following an annual archery contest. This was known up, at least, until the 17th century as the 'calve's-head feast'. Following the contest the Sheriffs, Mayor, Aldermen and 'gentelmen' and others would adjourn to common hall of the city for a good breakfast feast in 'loving manner'. Today, a full English breakfast precedes a guest author talking about their book. Any money raised from the event is donated to the Sheriff's chosen charities.
Into the 21st Century
The Sheriff of Chester's role is largely ceremonial and each Sheriff will make their own mark upon it. Today the Sheriff of Chester upholds a civic presence and function by:
Attending Civic Receptions at the Town Hall (but these being hosted by the Lord Mayor).
At the Lord Mayor’s discretion, hosting fund raising events on behalf of the Lord Mayoral charities and occasional events as instigated by the Sheriff.
Undertaking specific functions as invited.
Deputising at certain functions for the Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor in their absence.
Giving general support to the Lord Mayor as required.
Hosting the annual charity fund-raising 'Sheriff's Breakfast

Cllr Gill Watson, Sheriff of Chester 2019-2021

Sheriff of Chester 2018, Stuart Parker gives out awards to winners at Cheshire West and Chester Community and Voluntary Arts Awards 2018
Sheriffs of Chester

Myles Hogg, Sheriff of Chester 2016-2017
Year Sheriff
2005 Colin Bain
2006 David Hughes
2007 Andrew Storrar
2008 David Hull
2009 Hilarie McNae
2010 Pat Lott
2011 Reggie Jones
2012 Bob Crompton
2013 Angela Claydon
2014 Herbert Manley
2015 Alex Black
2016 Myles Hogg
2017 Jane Mercer
2018 Stuart Parker
2019 Gill Watson
2020 Gill Watson
2021 Jill Houlbrook
2022 Bob Rudd
2023 Hugo Deynem
2024 Alex Tate

Jane Mercer, Sheriff of Chester 2017-2018
Year Sheriff
1984 Thomas Jones
1985 Kate Peate
1986 J Gordon Smith
1987 John Frederick Randall
1988 Frank Z Pierce
1989 Eric Brock Gerrard
1990 Lilian G Price
1991 John Butler
1992 Christine Russell
1993 Elizabeth Bolton
1994 John Ebo
1995 David Nield
1996 Ken Holding
1997 Ray Bott
1998 Patricia Johnson
1999 Marie Nelson
2000 Terry Ralph
2001 Eleanor Mary Johnson JP
2002 Edward Walley
2003 Sandra Rudd
2004 John Boughton