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Annual General Meeting
and Conference Weekend

Each year the National Association of City and Town Sheriffs holds their Annual General Meeting and Conference Weekend.  It's a time to review the function and progress of the Association and to bring current and past Sheriffs together to share ideas and celebrate the historic Office of Sheriff. 

sheriffs 1.jpg

The yearly Sheriffs' meetings together with newsletters and, more recently, the NACTSEW website
ensure that current and past Sheriffs continue to work for the good of this historic Office and that none should experience their year in Office in isolation.


The Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) underpins the aims of the Association and introduces the current Sheriffs to the rest of the Members. 

It is a time to reflect on the previous year and to note any changes or amendments made by the local authorities of the Towns and Cities that  retain the Office of Sheriff pertaining to the Office.  

The AGM provides the opportunity for Members to review and make any changes to the Constitution

(to see the Constitution click on the

link below)


Members are also asked to elect Officers for the forthcoming year for the positions of:

Chair, Vice-Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.

For the year 2024-2025 these positions are held as follows: 

     Chair                      Andy Swinburne

​                                     (Berwick-upon-Tweed)

     Vice-Chair            Bob Rudd


     Hon. Treasurer    Suzie Mercer


     Hon. Secretary     Xena Dion


Nominations for Officers should be sought by the June preceding the AGM.



Follow this link for a full list of past holders of Office: 


AGM, Carmarthen 2017


At Each AGM current Sheriffs introduce themselves to Members. James Baillie, Southampton at Haverfordwest AGM 2024. 

The Conference Weekend

Following the AGM and after a light lunch, Members and their consorts are invited to participate in one of a number of select tours, visits or experiences chosen or organised by the host Members. 

Each town or city that retains the Office of Sheriff has a rich and fascinating history and, very often particular assets that warrant being 'shown off' to fellow Members for their enjoyment and learning. 



A formal, black-tie dinner, usually with a guest speaker, is held

in the evening.

The AGM Conference Weekend concludes with a procession of current Sheriffs in full Robes and Chains of Office to the Paris Church or City's Cathedral for the Sunday Service.  


Sheriffs prepare to process to the Church of St James, Poole, 2015 led by Dorset's High Sheriff and the Sheriff of Poole, Xena Dion


The Service at Chester Cathedral, 2021. 

Dress Code

The AGM and Conference Weekend is a mix of formal and informal activities and events. 

The dress code helps to clarify what to wear at each event and, for current Sheriffs, when and where to wear chains and robes

Friday Evening


Smart dress - for men suits and or smart casual i.e. shirt and tie with sports jacket and smart trousers

For women smart trousers, dresses/cocktail dresses etc. 


Current Sheriffs should wear Chains

Saturday AGM and afternoon tours

The AGM is normally concluded with a light lunch followed immediately by the tours.    Therefore, for all members and guests, the dress code is comfortable casual. 

Current Sheriffs should wear Chains for the AGM, which is followed by a short meeting with the NACTSEW Officers.  They will then have time to remove their Chains before or during the lunch break in preparation for the tours. 

The Conference


Black Tie

For men this is Dinner Jackets or dark suit and tie


Women should wear 

long dresses, cocktail dresses or dress trousers - in short: dress to impress!

Sunday morning

Sheriffs should wear robes and chains for the procession, church service and formal photographs.


All other members and guests should wear smart day wear .

Hats for ladies are encouraged!   ​

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